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Vinija last won the day on July 31 2024

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  1. Thanks @Ishan, will do. Can you share your website or Linkedin so I can give you credit for those notes on my site.
  2. Machine learning infrastructure components are the backbone to any modeling tasks. In any system design interview, you'll need to leverage these components to be able to design the end to end pipeline. Here are my notes on them: https://vinija.ai/infra/index.html Please let me know what else you'd like to see here!
  3. Yes, it too, quite a long time. It was queued first then generated so do you need patience for this one. Yours are pretty cool too but I've noticed the model glitches with human details like fingers often.
  4. Luma AI released their new text to video model available here: https://lumalabs.ai/dream-machine/ I'm attaching a few I've generated, give it a whirl and share your creations! watermarked_video063fc7327f81c47f6ae02927d82c5c5b3.mp4 watermarked_video033876e77ed084be08b1e40c40aa7f01a.mp4
  5. I wanted to share some notes digitally and handwritten on fundamentals of ML: https://vinija.ai/concepts/fundamentals/ Let me know what you thought and what else you'd like to see there to help you brush up on ML notes.pdf
  6. Absolutely @Aman Singh Thakur, we're so glad to have you onboard!
  7. I wanted to start a thread on WW. What were your thoughts on the new partnership and other updates from the event?
  8. Glad to have you here @suvam_!
  9. Glad to have you onboard @Huzaifa Saleem
  10. Welcome @Alexandre Zajac, great to have you here!
  11. Awesome resource Siddharth, feel free to share a few lines about it here as well!
  12. Vinija

    AI coding prep

    For AI coding interviews, I wanted to share one of my repositories rich with code: https://github.com/vinija/AI-Coding
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