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  1. Hello Everyone, I'm Anirudh 🙂 an MS in Data Science student from Indiana University, Bloomington. I'm very passionate about AI and I am currently working on the Deep Learning Specialization by DeepLearning.ai and I actively use Aman's website for the notes. I found this community through Aman's LinkedIn post and was hoping to connect with people to learn and get my foot into the AI industry. Excited to be a part of this community. An
  2. Hello everyone, Hope you're all having a fun time learning and applying AI. I recently completed the first 3 courses in the Deep Learning Specialization by DeepLearning.ai. In order to start applying what I learned, I started by applying the Iris dataset on a shallow neural network that I hard coded. Now I want to hard code a deep neural network but I'm not sure what is a good dataset to use for this purpose. I'm looking to build a neural network with at least 5 hidden layers and just apply a dataset to it for the purpose of just learning and get a good intuition of how DNNs work by hard coding. Basically like a "hello world" version of a dataset for a Deep Neural Network. I was hoping ask this here to get some suggestions. If anyone of you know of any such datasets, request you to please let me know. Thank you for your time. Thanks, An
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