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Welcome Aditya to our Moderating Team!


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NeuralNets welcomes Aditya to our moderating team! He will help keep the community updated with the latest in AI research and ensure the community guidelines are being followed.

@adityalahiri, feel free to introduce yourself!

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yay! thanks Aman!


Excited to contribute to this platform. Feel like its the start of something big!

I am Aditya and I work on a conversational ai product for leasing in property management where we are exploring agents now and have been using llms!

Besides that, I am really passionate about prompt-engineering and prompt-optimization and am building an open source library called prompt-learner.

It is designed to be the scikit-learn for llm workflows making it easier for devs to experiment and iterate over their llm workflows.


Happy to connect and chat!



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